Time Management Training Course

Time Management Training

The PD Training Time Management Training Course will help you become more productive and more efficient in your role, and includes training in effective time management strategies such as goal setting, task prioritisation and delegation, applying the Urgent/Important matrix, managing emails and overcoming the habit of procrastination.  The course develops your time management skills including setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, handling high pressure situations, and setting boundaries.

We want you to get the most out of your time spent in class, therefore, we encourage you to tell the trainer which lessons you would like to get trained in extensively before attending the course - you'll receive an invitation to do this once you've enrolled. The trainer will then tailor the training to your needs and cover those topics in more detail.

You will learn about your own personality type as well as other personality types and how to engage others in an entirely new way that provides a path to better communication and improved time management skills.

PD Training can provide a complete professional development program for your organisation which includes personality profiling and automated training requires analysis, so contact us today to learn more!

Your Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, you will gain the following invaluable time management skills:

  • Understand the Psychology of time
  • Set S.M.A.R.T. goals
  • Prioritise effectively
  • Categorise tasks using the Urgent/Important Matrix
  • Manage Email
  • Set boundaries
  • Gain lasting skills to tackle procrastination
  • Handle high pressure, crisis situations with ease
  • Learn to organise the workspace for efficiency - both at home and in the office
  • Master when and how to delegate for maximum productivity
  • Set daily rituals for better productivity
Duration: 1.0 day course Live Online Experts


Time Management Training Reviews:

"The best course I have done for years. Followed a logical path and seemed to lead into the next concept really well. Relevant reminders of past learnings and improving prioritising methods. The tutor was brilliant the way she steered the course without undervaluing anyones contribution."

Hancock Forest Management


"Made me take a look at myself and how I do and don't do things. Focus and Discipline are key. Spent time with my 15 year old daughter talking about my training, she could see the value in it."

Hancock Forest Management


"Very good trainer. What I liked is rather than "lecturing" to us, she looked to provide us with tools, and a guide for us to select what would best suit us. She was a reflective audience sensitive trainer."

Hancock Forest Management


"I really appreciated how the trainer was open to helping me with my own specific needs and discussing solutions personalised for me. Thanks!"

Arrow Uniforms


"The trainer did a good job with what can be a rather dry topic, and managed the group well."

Public Course Participant


"Roydon is an excellent teacher, has good public speaking skills and great experience/research knowledge. I loved all the real-world examples that were given. I have already started on making a change! I have and will recommend the course to others."

Callaghan Innovation


"I found the course very relevant to me, I took away strategies that I can implement in my day to day job."

CHH Fullcircle


"I have been to TM courses previously so I can honestly say the approach wasn't what I expected. It was nice to be reminded of a number of tips and techniques which have become somewhat forgotten to restart. I enjoyed the approach where participants were identifying the issues they had to take better ownership of it so the style was very effective and led to much better buy in."

"I enjoyed the scientific references used and the experiments referred to by the trainer.

Crowe Horwath Tax Advisory


"The course was delivered well by the proactive trainer. The content was relevant and interesting."

CablePrice (NZ) Ltd


"Fantastic course. I have really enjoyed it, and Mary was a very intuitive facilitator who seemed to understand all of the attendees very well. 1st time I've seen PowerPoint used to enhance the course rather than run the course!"

Capital Training Ltd



"Great learning for those who are not visual or audio learners. Normally I dont pick up and utilise the skills taught because I need to be hands on to learn. The mix of visual, audio and kinesthetic learning fitted me really well so thank you!

"The course overall was excellent and thank-you for the excellent delivery."

Te Kaahui O Rauru


"Fantastic, keen to do more courses and have recommended to many people since I left."

ASG Education Programs


"Ian is a fabulous trainer- a complete turn around from the experience that I had taking this course last year. After that experience (last year) I wouldn't have recommended it but after this week- definitely. I learned a lot and Ian's enthusiasm and knowledge that was applied to all participants was great! :) A++"

Auldhouse Wellington


"We were a very small group, only myself and one other, this gave the opportunity for useful discussion and the ability to taylor the learning specifically to our contexts. A really nice environment, quiet and uncluttered. A useful way to spend a day. I liked the 'action' list and the pressure Ngaire put on us to ensure we were going to action some of what we learnt."

Netherton School


"Course was well delivered and I was able to take away a number of points that will be beneficial in my day to day work."

Auldhouse Auckland


"I found Ian to be a very good trainer, personable, and built an excellent rapport with everyone."

Maritime New Zealand


"The most useful part of the course was the goal setting, planning, and the tackling procrastination sections. The least useful part of the course was the afternoon section covering meetings. I found David to clearly present the morning sections and made it personal for the 3 students. It will help me moving forward with my work."

Holmes Consulting Group LP


"Myself and others in our company will be using PD Training in the future."

Three65 Spouting


"From the course I now have a clearer perception and that is, ‘It is what it is but it doesn’t have to be’. I control my time and how I choose to use that time is mine alone therefore make it meaningful that will motivate me to move forward."



"Ngarie was a vibrant and enthusiastic tutor who did spend time on each students particular needs which was great. She has given me some good advise and tips and I do believe I will find the lessons learnt very useful."

Assa Abloy Entrance Systems


"I had a great day that was reinforced by a trainer who believed in his training and was a great advocate for it. The course layout was well laid. I had a number of light bulb moments and found the course made me realize i'm not doing too bad after all!! Thanks to Royston for taking the course and thank you for the facilities all in all a thoroughly worth while experience"

Melray Electric LImited


"Trainer was great and personalised the training for our specific needs which was really helpful (and spent less time on the things that weren't useful for us). Thoroughly enjoyed this course and feel really good going back to work with all the knowledge I've gained!"

J.H.Whittaker & Sons


"The course was very useful and I am able to apply the learning directly to both my personal and professional life. The teachings were not only well thought out, but the instructor also provided useful everyday tips to make time saving easier to incorporate into my day."



"Most useful: Prioritising my time > The Urgent/Important Matrix. Least useful: Delegating made easy - that tasks were very simple and but it was helpful to have strategies to push back. The training manual presents much better in colour than black and white. I would recommend this training programme to my colleagues, even though it is strongly Americanized, it is reinforces the time management strategies that linger below in the sub-conscious. I have come back enthusiastic to share strategies within the team as we move into our new line of work that bring time pressures that we have never known before."

Auldhouse Auckland


"Kim was a great teacher, very clear and listening to her own past experiences/jobs helped explain the content well."

The Travel Corporation


"Excellent course and Mary is a great trainer."

Maritime New Zealand


"Had good fun. Got some time initially but once the group dynamics kicked in (and trainer should be credited for the activities that facilitated that) it was fun and the course really picked up the momentum and good learning and participation."

Pragnesh Gandevia


"Kim was a great teacher, very clear and listening to her own past experiences/jobs helped explain the content well."

The Travel Corporation


"Excellent course and Mary is a great trainer."

Maritime New Zealand


"Had good fun. Got some time initially but once the group dynamics kicked in (and trainer should be credited for the activities that facilitated that) it was fun and the course really picked up the momentum and good learning and participation."

Individual Course Participant


"Terry was fantastic - I enjoyed his style very much."

Tourism Industry Aotearoa


"Ash the presenter was fantastic. The day was very informative and Ash set a great vibe for the day. I really liked the fact that he improvised and was led by the conversations of the participants, but while still keeping on track. The information shared was relevant for both work and home life. Loved the information shared on making important tasks in your home life a routine and the segment on procrastination."

"This is the first time I have spent the entire day at a PD on Time Management with my team. I found it invaluable. Even though I am already using some of the time management tools/techniques, this PD assisted greatly with improving on those skills. Ash is a great presenter and I loved his sense of humour which made the day very enjoyable."

Servite College


"Kirsten was excellent."

"The trainer went beyond the normal to help me with some specific issues in our lunch break. There were many positive aspects of time management I was already doing, but the job is too big for one person, so she gave me ideas on how to document and report this to management, without feeling I am not doing my job well already. This was the best outcome for me."

Harbourside Church


"Really good course. I already knew a lot of what was being taught but appreciated the refresher and picked up a few good tips as well. Mary was knowledgeable and dealt with a large group in a crowded space very well."

"Thank you for coming out to speak with us. Time management is something we all clearly want to be better at. The course content covered several good strategies. It was good to have a few options so we can try what work best for us as individuals. You managed the tangents different people brought up respectfully with some helpful thoughts and suggestions."

NZALS - New Zealand Artificial Limb Service


Departmentof Education and Training South East Region

"Content was delivered in a way i now feel confident to do a PD with the rest of my office colleagues and pass the information on. Highly recommended!"

"It was a really great session. Sometimes PD's can seem to drag on and most participants are keen to get away as early as possible. I noticed it was 4:15pm and most people even though the finish time was 4pm were still keen to chat and ask questions. The energy levels were kept high and I found the day moved quickly, but in a way that information was easy to retain. I have already implemented 2 of the practises - sacred time or a meeting with myself and the use of body language to discourage "chatters" without offending. I have already recommended this to the Principal and would go to another pd with this trainer."

"Easily the best PD I have done in a very long time. Learnt a lot and have started some of the ideas and suggestions. Didn't want the day to end - which is rather unusual."

"Content was delivered in a way i now feel confident to do a PD with the rest of my office colleges and pass the information on. Highly recommended."

"Deidre really tailored this presentation to our specific needs. Personalising the content made it much more relevant and easier to absorb. Excellent."

"I loved and found extremely interesting the links between time management and behaviour styles. The trainer was very knowledgeable in this area."

"Deidre kept the class interested and engaged throughout the whole day of PD. The best presentation I've been to."

-Department of Education and Training - South East Region

Hafele Australia

"I thought the training was fantastic! Jo was a great teacher, and really got everyone involved with the learning process. I enjoyed the practical activities, as well as the insight that Jo provided on various aspects of time management. I liked the small class approach where we had the opportunity to discuss ideas and thoughts. I felt that my areas of need were given strong consideration. It was really nice to know that the other class members had similar issues... not just me lacking in certain skills! The location and facilities were good. It was convenient being located near the train station, and there were no distracting elements during the class."

-Hafele Australia

Bega Garnbirringu Health Services

"I loved this: "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have and only you can determine how it is spent." Louise gave us reference to books and talks appropriate to this training."

-Bega Garnbirringu Health Services

Austral Asia Line Pte Ltd

"I was very happy with the course. I came in not really knowing what to expect, as I was fairly confident with my "Time Management" skills, but this course identified some techniques that were interesting accurate for identifying priorities. I came in with an open mind, and I left very satisfied and more confident. Everything covered in the course made sense, and gave me validation, that what I have been doing is on the right track, and what I need to do more of is "Discipline myself" in keeping to the time-frame of my working schedule."

-Austral Asia Line Pte Ltd


"I found the Time Management Course to be beneficial in providing me with strategies to better manage my time at work by filtering various tasks and challenges into an order of 'importance,' which I believe will boost my output. I'm looking forward to putting the details obtained from this course into action now at work."


Glen Eira City Council

"We had a condensed course, due to time restrictions (90 minutes) so I am fully aware that we had to speed though the content. Having said that the facilitator was one of the most professional, well prepared and easy to understand presenters I have experienced thorough Glen Eira Council training. Great job."

"Great session, although it was short it was quite informative and provided many tips on identifying priorities, making lists and ways in which to deal/plan for interruptions. So much more that could be covered but given the time it was great. Highly recommend it to those who are feeling lost in their work environment. Michaela mad great use of the flip chart to make points and interact with the group."

-Glen Eira City Council

Bond University

"I really benefited from the prioritising and goal setting sections of the training. These will definitely improve my day and therefore my life!"

"The course was useful in that it reinforced things I already knew, and threw up a few new ideas on how to better manage my time. Troy's energy and enthusiasm was great too on a potentially boring topic."

-Bond University

Departmentof Education and Training South East Region

"I found that the course was very informative particular to my position as Business Manager. The course gave me tools that I can use with clear instructions so that I have no problem implementing them. It gave me information that will improve my role as a Business Manager and quality of life work balance."

"Sanet had some real 'pearlers' which I wrote down. So much of what she said was like 'light-bulb' moments. Would thoroughly recommend to anyone."

-Department of Education and Training - South East Region

People Assets

"The mood and atmosphere of the course was enlightening and uplifting. I believe that a general discussion involving multiple teams allows for additional insights although a separate and shorter session with only your team/department to discuss processes and time management issues specific to your own team might be even more beneficial. The course structure and outline is deployed incredibly well and i would highly recommend the course."

-People Assets

Download Course Outline (PDF)

Understanding the way you manage your time is the very first step when implementing an effective time management solution. Once you understand the psychology of time, it becomes easier to manage your habits around time.

By applying the time management skills developed through the topics below, you can optimise your efforts to ensure that you concentrate as much of your time and energy as possible on the high-payoff tasks. This ensures that you achieve the greatest benefit possible with the limited amount of time available to you. Contrary to popular belief, effective time management is not necessarily based on doing more things in less time.

Course Outline for Time Management Training

See the Live Online tab for the course outline for the live online course

Topic 1
Getting Started
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Pre-Assignment Review
Topic 2
The Psychology of Time
  • Less Stress, More Free Time
  • Change Your Language
Topic 3
My Personality Style
  • My Style
  • Planning and Completing Tasks
  • Time Management Scenarios
Topic 4
How I Currently Use My Time
  • Work Life Balance
  • Time Audit
  • The Glass Jar
Topic 5
Overcoming Procrastination
  • Procrastination Explained
  • Common Cause of Procrastination
  • Overwhelm
  • My Procrastination Battle Plan
Topic 6
Building a Time Management System
  • The 4 D's of Time Management
  • Design My Week
  • Time Management Buffer System
  • The Urgent/Important Matrix
  • S.M.A.R.T Goals
Topic 7
Strategic Assertiveness
  • How to Say No
  • Managing Up/Managing Down
  • Setting Boundaries
Topic 8
Working From Home
  • Tips for Remote Employees
  • Organising my workspace
Topic 9
The Digital Advantage
  • Managing Emails
  • Digital Tools

In-House Training - We’ll focus on what matters most to you and tailor to your context

Face-to-Face, Live Online, or Hybrid Class Tailored to Your Needs

When you want a tailored learning experience targeting exactly what you want without bringing everyone physically together, the best choice is a Live Online Class run by PDT.

We tailor the content and activities to be specific to your current needs and the needs of the people and run the course in our usual activity-based workshop style training, however, the participants can all be offsite, or some can be in the room with others offsite.

Unless you have a preferred tools we use 'Zoom for Education' that includes enhanced collaboration features such as One-click content sharing, real-time co-annotation (people can work together in activity files), and digital whiteboarding, we also include things like live polls and group chats so you virtually have the same collaborative learning experience of attending a course in a room with other people.

live online & hybrid

We have delivered these 100's (if not 1000's) of times, and get great outcomes. We achieve great outcomes because we keep our learner centric approach - just because it’s delivered through a screen to some or all participants doesn’t mean it needs to be less tailored or less personalised.

You still have an expert trainer who talks to you prior to the session and tailors the delivery to use your terminology, ensure activities are relevant and directly applicable and ensures an engaging learning experience that provide people with skills and techniques they can apply the very next day.

A hybrid class is with some people connecting online, and some people physically together in the same room.

Live Online Participant Feedback:

90% Overall Trainer Rating

88% Delivery was Adapted to me Personally

75% I Would Recommend this Course to Someone Else

Face to Face Options With Everyone in the same room

1-hour Motivator
one hour motivator
3-hour Power Sessions
3 hour power session
Full-day training
full day training
At your workplace At your workplace
In our Training Rooms In our Training Rooms
 In our Online Training  Room - the HIVE In our Online Training Room

We’ll make things easier so you can focus on adding more value

PDT Training Management Centre Logo

We provide the Training Management Centre which is an information hub before, during and after training.
(Let us know if there’s parts you don’t want to use)

Invites people to training

(So you don’t have to)

Invite People icon

Generates Sign in Sheet

(So you don’t have to)

Generate Sign In Sheet Icon

Generates Branded Flyer

If you want to ‘promote’ internally

Generate Branded Flyer Example

PDF’s of Certificates

(can be co-branded with your logo)

Completion Certificate Included

Collects and Reports feedback

(So you don’t have to)

Feedback Report Example

Complete Results Dashboard

(including trainer insights)

Results Dashboard Example

What are people going to do differently?

At the completion of training participants are encouraged to create an action plan, and invite an accountability buddy via their Orgmenta App.

In your Training Management Centre you have transparency to the action plans so you can see what people are going to do differently.

My Action Plan
Participants encouraged to create

Want to get clear on impacts and measure success? Our system and expert consultants support you.

Our systems and people make it easy to identify how you’ll be able to measure impacts,
and then report on the success in the weeks or months after training.

Measure metrics your way

Do you already have a training management system and wish they were automatically up to date?

Training APIs

It’s surprisingly easy to make it so that your system can automatically be up to date with all the training record details you need.

More than just a training provider - we are your Learning and Development Partner, we look forward to working with you, talk to one of our friendly expert consultants today.

Upcoming Live Online Classes

Time Management Training - 3hours
Live Online
3-hour course
11:00 am - 2:00 pm Pacific/Auckland
16 July
Enrol Now
Last chance!
6 September
Enrol Now
Filling fast
13 November
Enrol Now
Filling fast
13 February
Enrol Now
Filling fast

Download Live Online Course Outline (PDF)

Course Outline for Time Management Training - 3hours

Topic 1
Prioritise the Day
  • Pareto's Law
  • Immediate Tasks vs Planned Tasks 
  • Staying on Track
Topic 2
Plan to Succeed
  • Planning Documentation
  • Implementing Planning Documentation
  • Choosing Tasks Based on Importance
  • Breaking Large Tasks Down 
  • Targeted Tasking
Topic 3
Removing Avoidance
  • Procrastination Explained
  • Nine Steps to Stop Avoidance
  • Frogs for Dinner?
Topic 4
Organised Work Stations
  • Remove Disorder
  • Manage Work Requirements
  • Manage Electronic Communication
  • Calendering for Success


  • Small classes, average 5 people, max 16
  • Certificate of Completion (always available in the App)
  • Comprehensive courseware available in the App
  • Live online interactive session with an expert trainer
  • Prices excl. GST


Live Online Money Icon

$100 Discount!

Every live online class booking entitles
you to a $100 discount on an
in-person public class.
(Discount valid for 18 months)

Instructor Led

Looking for a full-day course in a physical room? Check the calendars in Australia and New Zealand

When you book a Public Class with PD Training you can expect:

PDT Activities and discussion

To Be Engaged All Day

Activities and discussion for engaged learning all day.

Real world trainer

An outstanding trainer

On average PDT trainers have 15 years industry experience and 7 years training experience.

Tailored training

Focussed on you

We always tailor activities and scenarios to be relevant to you.

Transfer policy

100% Transfer Policy

If an unforseen event prevents public class attendance, no problem. Transfer to new person, course, date or city.

Refresher course

Refresher Course $0

In-House and Public Class participants are welcome to join a public class in the same topic for 12 months.

Confidence of booking

Acclaimed Provider

The confidence of booking with an acclaimed multi national training company.

eLearning and video

Multi-modal Reinforcement

Support, reinforcement & extension eLearning and videos in the App.

Public Class Dates for Time Management Training


  • Time: 09:00 am - 04:30 pm
  • Small classes, average 5 people, max 16
  • Prices excl. GST
  • Lunch and refreshments included
  • Certificate of Completion (always available in the App)
  • Comprehensive courseware as books (& available in the App)
  • Pay on Invoice or by Credit Card


1.0 day course
Karstens, Tower 1, Level 4, 205 Queen Street Auckland NZ 1010
16 July
Enrol Now
Last chance!
6 September
Enrol Now
Filling fast
13 November
Enrol Now
Filling fast
13 February
Enrol Now
Filling fast
1.0 day course
Lumify, 13 Stanley Street, Sydenham Christchurch NZ 8240
16 July
Missed out
6 September
Enrol Now
Filling fast
13 November
Enrol Now
Filling fast
13 February
Enrol Now
Filling fast
1.0 day course
Lumify, JacksonStone House, , Level 8, 11 Hunter Street Wellington NZ 6141
16 July
Enrol Now
Last chance!
6 September
Enrol Now
Filling fast
13 November
Enrol Now
Filling fast
13 February
Enrol Now
Filling fast

When you book a Public Class with PD Training you can expect:

PDT Activities and discussion

To Be Engaged All Day

Activities and discussion for engaged learning all day.

Real world trainer

An outstanding trainer

On average PDT trainers have 15 years industry experience and 7 years training experience.

Tailored training

Focussed on you

We always tailor activities and scenarios to be relevant to you.

Transfer policy

100% Transfer Policy

If an unforseen event prevents public class attendance, no problem. Transfer to new person, course, date or city.

Refresher course

Refresher Course $0

In-House and Public Class participants are welcome to join a public class in the same topic for 12 months.

Confidence of booking

Acclaimed Provider

The confidence of booking with an acclaimed multi national training company.

eLearning and video

Multi-modal Reinforcement

Support, reinforcement & extension eLearning and videos in the App.

Outstanding learning that people can do in the flow of work

  • Fresh targeted video-based microlearning content with interactive lessons and quizzes included.
  • Rigourous review process
  • Only $11.00 per course per person per year.
  • Or get the $110.00 bundle and save.
Bite Size learning that people love
Not exactly what you needed? Try other courses in the Administration Courses Category