Define the goals of the training.
A) Make sure your goals are specific and measurable:
- Before starting any training initiative, the most important first step is to identify between 1 and 3 measurable outcomes for the training. We call it defining the S.M.A.R.T. (Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timed) training "Goals".
- Make sure your goal is measurable so you can compare the before and after values and report on tangible impacts from the training.
For Example:
- The number of calls to IT help desk for MS Excel support 4 weeks before the training and 4 weeks after Excel training.
B) Write down your goals, and record the 'before class' value so you can compare Record your goals against the course: We recommend recording the pre course metrics for each training class.
When you book with PD Training it’s all part
of the deal - it's part of the Training Management App
- Our consultants can help choose the best S.M.A.R.T. training goals.
- We provide you with a Training Management App that makes it really
fast and easy.
Our Training Management App is available online and works with Windows, Apple and Android.
Tailor an existing course to your needs.
To get the best results the training needs to be directly applicable to your workplace, and include common familiar scenarios and terminology. You get the best results when people don't need to 'make a leap' to see the direct application on-the-job.
- You can save time and money without re-creating the wheel - start with a pre-existing course, then collaborate with an experienced, specialist facilitator to ensure the course is contextualised to your business - including familiar terminology and examples/scenarios.
When you book with PD Training it’s all part of the deal
- we know it gets better outcomes so it's included.
- Tailoring your course at no extra cost!
Your expert trainer will complete a discovery call with you then tailor
the delivery of the course to include your scenarios, terminology and focus on the
most important topics.
Find a dynamic professional trainer with the right background and style to ‘gel’ with your audience.
All of the best planning and tailoring is wasted if the trainer isn’t suitably experienced, qualified or just isn’t the ‘right fit’ for your team
and culture.
- To be 100% sure you have the right trainer can only come from having experience with that trainer delivering training to audiences similar to yours.
- A short mock-up presentation and a good meeting where they say what you want to hear is not as important as knowing they have successfully engaged audiences similar to yours in the past.
Our operations team specialises in matching the right trainer (we have hundreds) to your team.
- We have one of the most rigorous screening, induction and
Certification programs in the industry. Learn more
- You can even request to have one of our international experts flown in if you like.
- We take the guess work out of being sure you have a great trainer!
Tailor the course to the people in each group.
Recognise and value the diverse backgrounds and experience in the room.
- Ensuring the course is targeted and the learning goals of the organisation is vital. However each group has different personalities, levels of experience, and often different job roles or seniority. Your participants pre-course Q&A helps us position the course accordingly.
Included as standard as part of ‘Connected Classroom’
- This important step needs to be fast and easy for the participants, so we provide a link to a few questions they respond to online - it only takes a few minutes.
Your trainer uses the responses to prepare each class based on the people they have in the room on the day.
Involve the participants
People learn more when they are active.
- Recognise that the people in the class are 'participants' not an 'audience' watching.
- Content is only 1/2 the story; the course must have a practical application and include robust collaboration.
- Leverage the experience and diverse backgrounds in the room.
- Ensure your course includes content, delivery and activities are constructed and delivered to support the different learning styles VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic).
It’s simply how we do it.
And our Connected Classroom improves engagement.
- "It's what we do".
- On average our classes have 30 points of interaction in a
6 hour training day - people are involved all day.
- What’s best, is that the activities have been tailored to be directly
applicable to the people in the room, no death by PowerPoint here!
If a training course happened, and no one measured the impact, did it happen at all?
- It’s too early to judge all of the business impacts and success of the training, however it is time to check feedback,
and best practice allows you to collect the following levels of feedback, you should be immediately reviewing:
Participant satisfaction: Feedback about the learning experience
Forecasted business impacts: Quality, efficiency, sales, innovation, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, decreasing costs.
Forecasted ROI: Using accepted methodology such as the Phillips and Kirkpatrick models
It's included in the Training Management App
we provide for you.
- If you used our Connected Classroom incorporating tablets
(supplied by us or BYOD) it is all there waiting for you
minutes after the course is complete.
Simply open your Training Management Centre in Windows,
Apple or Android to view the results.
Reinforce for retention.
Reinforce for retention - beat the forgetting curve.
Giving someone great training is the right place to start, however, if you want to see lasting change, you will get increased success if you provide reinforcement. Without reinforcement 90% of what was learned in class is forgotten in a matter of weeks.
Managers often find it difficult to prioritise planning and delivering reinforcement.
And staff will only use reinforcement if it suits their learning style, and is at their fingertips when they need it. In other words it needs to be reinforcement at the speed of business - and suitable for each person.
To get a little technical, when it comes to reinforcement you will get best results if you accommodate the
‘cognitive styles’ known as
avoidant, participative, competitive, collaborative, dependent independent and accommodating.
It takes a bit of work to get all that together in a way that feels natural, even ‘cool’ and is actually used, but it’s worth it.
Would a sports team do a drill for an important skill just once - and expect the players to change their game?
- Support, Coach and Re-train to embed the behaviours
Use it or lose it, the old adage will never change. Different staff members will pick things up at different paces, and the opportunity to apply the training may come a long while after the initial training. Unfortunately business moves quickly and managers are busy, and training departments are often stretched thin on current training requirements, so this aspect gets overlooked.
For some staff simple reinforcement will be adequate to keep the concepts top of mind and they will have the skill or depth of
experience and confidence to try the new technique.
For others, they will require several iterations of hands-on guidance to be able to implement the new skills. Once again, if people are actually going to use it, you need to provide a range of options, at their finger tips, so they can choose what works best for them - when they want it.
It’s all in the palm of your participants
hands as they walk out the door.
Our Connected Classroom provides:
- Retrain for Free: Your staff can attend a PD Training Public Class ($660) at no cost for 12 months after your inhouse course. In the same or closest equivalent public course to the course we ran inhouse for you.
- Coaching 1/2 Price: We exist to empower your team's improvement so we offer you the opportunity to book a 1/2 price coaching session for your staff within 6 months of the original course date, and all
participants receive access to an email help desk for 3 months after
the course.
- Support: 3 months email help desk support - included.

Re-take the
course for free

1/2 price

Help Desk
Extend | Develop | Collaborate
Encourage improvement, support self-directed and social learning.
Many managers and companies at large want to foster a ‘Learning Culture’.
The best way to promote the development of a learning culture is to always provide easy access to extension materials and opportunities and to collaborate with peers - all within the normal natural working environment.
- Elements such as on-demand video, extension eLearning and collaboration in online forums provide people with the means and opportunity to continue learning - this is the first step in creating the ever elusive ‘Learning Culture’.
Quantify and Share results with the management team
Celebrate Success
Results should be a combination of qualitative, quantitative anecdotal and specific measured business impacts.
- Sharing results with the management team is important on many levels, it helps collaboration about the challenges
and opportunities of the business, and shows your pro-activity and progress in your area.
- Unfortunately quality reporting is normally either arduous or very difficult due to the lack of tools and systems.
It’s part of the Training Management App
- The Training Management Centre App we provide includes
comprehensive reporting and much more.
- Just open your Training Management Centre and by your dashboard will can provide participant feedback, estimated ROI and specific business impacts.
- What can we say, we help make you look good, and we hope it
helps you get the training budget increased next year :)