Show leadership in the workplace

unit name:

Show leadership in the workplace (BSBMGT401)

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$250.00 excl. GST

Arrow icon From Package: Business Services

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This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead teams and individuals by modelling high standards of conduct to reflect the organisation's standards and values.

It applies to individuals who are making the transition from being a team member to taking responsibility for the work and performance of others and providing the first level of leadership within the organisation. These managers have a strong influence on the work culture, values and ethics of the teams they supervise.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this training course, participants will:

1. Model high standards of management performance and behaviour 1.1. Ensure management performance and behaviour meets the organisation's requirements
1.2. Ensure management performance and behaviour serves as a positive role model for others
1.3. Develop and implement performance plans in accordance with organisation's goals and objectives
1.4. Establish and use key performance indicators to meet organisation's goals and objectives
2. Enhance organisation's image 2.1. Use organisation's standards and values in conducting business
2.2. Question, through established communication channels, standards and values considered to be damaging to the organisation
2.3. Ensure personal performance contributes to developing an organisation which has integrity and credibility
3. Make informed decisions 3.1. Gather and organise information relevant to the issue/s under consideration
3.2. Facilitate individuals and teams active participation in decision making processes
3.3. Examine options and assess associated risks to determine preferred course/s of action
3.4. Ensure decisions are timely and communicate them clearly to individuals and teams
3.5. Prepare plans to implement decisions and ensure they are agreed by relevant individuals and teams
3.6. Use feedback processes effectively to monitor the implementation and impact of decisions


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