Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

unit name:

Lead and manage effective workplace relationships (BSBLDR502)

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This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead and manage effective workplace relationships.

It applies to individuals in leadership or management who have a prominent role in establishing and managing processes and procedures to support workplace relationships taking into account the organisation's values, goals and cultural diversity.

At this level work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures, which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem-solving and decision-making strategies.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this training course, participants will:

1. Manage ideas and information 1.1 Ensure strategies and processes are in place to communicate information associated with the achievement of work responsibilities to all co-workers
1.2 Develop and/or implement consultation processes to ensure that employees have the opportunity to contribute to issues related to their work role
1.3 Facilitate feedback to employees on outcomes of the consultation processes
1.4 Develop and/or implement processes to ensure that issues raised are resolved promptly or referred to relevant personnel
2. Establish systems to develop trust and confidence 2.1 Establish and/or implement policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to
2.2 Gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues and external contacts through professional conduct
2.3 Adjust own interpersonal communication styles to meet the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment and guide and support the work team in their personal adjustment process
3. Manage the development and maintenance of networks and relationships 3.1 Use networks to build workplace relationships providing identifiable outcomes for the team and the organisation
3.2 Conduct ongoing planning to ensure that effective internal and external workplace relationships are developed and maintained
4. Manage difficulties to achieve positive outcomes 4.1 Develop and/or implement strategies to ensure that difficulties in workplace relationships are identified and resolved
4.2 Establish processes and systems to ensure that conflict is identified and managed constructively in accordance with the organisation’s policies and procedures
4.3 Provide guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties
4.4 Develop and implement an action plan to address any identified difficulties


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