In recent times the pd training giving program has been doing some great work, some of the highlights have been:
- pd training is proudly providing a $4950 'learning journey' as a fund raiser in their silent auction at the RSPCA annual gala ball. We also provided $495 for an RSPCA staff member to attend a Business Writing course.

- pd training raised nearly $500 by throwing a free 'Colour your Day' sausage sizzle for the 'Argyle Place Office Park' at our admin office in Brisbane.

- pd training has donated $495 free training to the Endeavour Foundation (we will share their learning journey soon).

- The Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run - we had a small but dedicated group from the pd training admin office run for fun and in support of Legacy - well done team!

- pd training has donated $990 worth of Presentation Skills training to the Cancer Council Australia.